Here We Go Again

Happy May Day!

Our Stay at Home orders now extend until May 28th. I have about 7 more days to work and then I retire. Two of my co-workers are retiring about the same time, so instead of a retirement party (which I didn’t want anyway) we are going to have Freakin’ Unbelievable Burgers delivered to the lab for lunch on our last day! The franchise store is owned by the family of one of our Senior techs and is only doing carry out during the pandemic, so I am glad we can help them out and get a good lunch for the whole lab at the same time.

Ashlee is getting fed up with staying at home, and really wants to bring Mallory up to our house before she gets stuck at home because she’s having a baby boy in July. The very idea of her traveling up here gives me the shivers. Ken and I are both working (well, so is Ashlee), and I am so, so afraid of getting them sick.

It’s actually the first time I have broken down and cried (except for eyes tearing up) since this craziness started. I was wondering what was going to be my downfall. It is the thought of how badly Mallory and Ashlee want to come up here, and how afraid I am for them to do it.

Even with the stay at home orders Ashlee sounds like she still wants to come up May 14th. I told her we will wait a week or two and see what is happening then. She is just strong-willed enough she might come up no matter what. Ugh.

Well, I know we all HATE this entire thing, but what in the world are we to do? I know everyones’ children and grandchildren want to see each other. But, for now, we just can’t. My boys are so fortunate to be able to work from home. And Ashlee is doing the covid testing herself, so……

I guess we just continue with what we are doing and be grateful for each healthy day.

Take care, friends1

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April 7, 2020

Thanks, ,Capn Stephel, for telling me about “My Sites” and I found the Dashboard. Now, to see if I can make this post and even post a few pictures!

Today seems to be a more anxious day for me, so, posting here is a nice distraction from my nerves!

We buried Orion on Sunday, which made me really sad. However, it feels good having him home and I can go talk to him.

Here is a picture of Orion on his 8th birthday. July 27th, 2019.

Another good thing about posting here is that I am not constantly on Facebook, reading all  of the horrible news.

Now, let me post a picture of our newest Dane, Hoss. He was also dumped at the Humane Society by his ownersk, when the husband had to have a triple bypass. Once again, the HS called Ken to get his shot records and Ken headed up there to get him. Lol.

He was only 1 1/2 years old, so still a puppy. Hoss just turned 3 this past Saturday.

Hoss, Dana, Sheldon, Ashlee and the buttend of Ashlee’s new puppy, Peanut.

Thanks for taking me away for a few minutes! And, thanks again, Stephel, for the help!

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Blogging during the Quarantine

Well! I typed an entire post and went to look for pictures and the whole dang thing disappeared.
But, I’m home all day (and for at least the next 3 weeks, except for working), so, I might as well just type it out again, eh?

I’m trying to remember what I said. 😛

I work in a hospital lab, so, I am not too worried about doing that. Better the lab than interacting directly with patients. Bless those who are doing that. They are, and always have been, on the front lines.

We got a fourth Great Dane from the Humane Society. His name is Hoss and he is turning 3 on Saturday. All the dogs got along good, except for a few spats between Orion, the old man, and Hoss, the crazy youngster.

In Februrary we lost Orion. He got really sick with vomiting, and despite medication, within 3 days he had heart damage, aspiration pneumonia and was so bad that we put him to sleep.

Heartbreaking. He was 8 1/2. The house felt half empty, losing the biggest dog.

We have a batch of new chickens, which we got last spring, so we are getting lots of eggs. No need to worry about a shortage, there.

Ok, I am having trouble posting pictures, but I’ll get back to that another time!

Stay well, WP Peeps!!!

Love, Lauri




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So many doggos

Three of the dogs wanted to sit on me a couple of nights ago. And, Dana decided my eyeball smelled good. (Gross).

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Happy December!

Hi, all!
I love the WP snow. It’s one of my favorites.

Things are going fine for me, thanks to remembering to be grateful for happy healthy children and grandchildren.

As for the rest of this country, and it’s place in this world…..what can be said?

Onward. Just a couple of pictures, so I can enjoy WP snow. Real snow is not happening, yet. I sure hope we will get some. It’s been super mild. I just harvested my brussels sprouts the last week of November. I KNOW!



Happy Holidays! Love from me!

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Wow. I’m here.

I need to post on my old, neglected Blerg. It’s been busy since I said Happy New Year to everyone on January 10th.

May 25, my daughter and her husband had Mallory Wren. She’s 4 1/2 months old now, and what a joy! Let me see if I remember how to post a picture.


Lol. Whoa, that picture is HUGE.

Ok, in September, my little Booner, Camden, turned 2 years old! He’s so happy and curious and LOVED the car his mom and dad got him for his birthday.

Huh. I can’t find his birthday pictures. I know they are somewhere….maybe my phone. I’ll have to look around. Anyhoo, this is a pic of him on a hayride last week. He’s getting so big!!!

And, just one week ago today, Adam and Sarah had a baby boy, Ezekiel Adam. 7 pounds, 14 ounces. Biggest baby of my children or grandchildren.

Must find pics of Zeke!

 So, that’s been my life the last few months.

Since I got back from seeing the babies in Ohio, I have been having rather bad anxiety, depression and panic attacks. So so weird, when there is so much to celebrate.
It will work out. I thought that typing a post and pics would be soothing to my nerves and it has turned out to be true.
I have missed you guys.
FB just wacks me out.

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Dear Peeps.

Happy New Year

It’s a tough one to get started. I am pretty much immobalized with horror and sadness over our election. l really really need to stay away from FB as it just steals my feelings of hope for any possible sort of future, but I seem glued to it like watching a trainwreck.

I must find a way to stay focused on family, having a grandson, and an angel granddaughter, and now another granddaughter due in May.

Life goes on and I have enough lives counting on me to keep functioning that I will do that.

Silly dogs keep me smiling.

Dottie sits in the weirdest ways possible.

Dana sleeps in goofy ways.

And Sheldon takes refuge from the snowy weather.

Sheldon had his 12th birthday yesterday. He is still doing great.

Here’s a picture me, my sister and my mom on Christmas day.
Well, I have to get back to house cleaning. This weekend is another Christmas, this time with all of my kids.’
It will be fun.

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Merriest of Happy Holidays!

merry-christmasThe Flying Spaghetti Monster, Snail Tea Cozy, and Baborui (and I) all wish every one of my WP peeps the best of holidays. May all your wishes come true!

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A Tiny Life

Friday morning, November 11th, 2016, I had picked up my car after getting new tires and getting everything done that a 45,000 mile car needs done. I was too upset by the election to go home, so I did some grocery shopping and grabbed a bunch of socks and underwear for the Christmas collections for the poor at work.

As I drove into  my driveway, I received a text from Sarah. “I think my water has broken. I am going to the hospital.” Sarah was 7 months pregnant with a baby who was anencephalic. The skull had not formed and Adam and Sarah were told that the baby would not survive, would pass away at any time, or would go full term and only live a  day  or two.

I waited until I got the text from Adam. “Sarah’s water has broken and we are not leaving the hospital until this baby is born. Anyone is welcome to come down.”  I had been packing and headed to the hospital in Ohio, a four hour drive from home. Ken stayed home to run his business and take care of the household.

I arrived at the hospital around 7 pm. My phone had taken me cross-country in the pitch blackness, with only deep ditches and cornfields along the two-lane roads. I had visions of zombies coming across the field, but only encountered a couple of deer, and an Amish buggy.   It was a slightly scary drive, but it kept me awake.

Sarah was having contractions, but nothing much was happening. After visiting for a couple of hours, I took my leave to go stay at  Adam and Sarah’s house, and to allow Sarah’s parents to visit as they were just arriving at the hospital at 9 pm.

I managed to sleep, woke at 5 am and 6 am, but no texts. Finally, around 730 am on Saturday, November 12th, I got the text from Adam. “Elliott Joy Shooltz is here. 621 am, with the sunrise.” (We still (Sarah’s parents and I) didn’t know if the baby was alive or not.)

We went immediately to the hospital and met tiny little Elliott Joy. She was stillborn. She weighed 1 pound, 9 ounces and was 10 inches long.


I will post more pictures in the future, but for now, she was just a tiny peanut. Beautiful face, and perfect little hands and feet. We held her and sang to her and played “This little piggy went to market” with her toes. A professional photographer came in and spent an hour and a half taking pictures. Adam, Sarah and I made clay casts of her tiny footprints. There was love and laughter and tears.

Ashlee and Anthony visited. Sarah’s dearest friend, Jessica, visited and everyone loved on EJ. Adam and Sarah spent the night with Elliott at the hospital. A young man from the funeral home came to collect Elliott Joy on Sunday morning. He shared with Adam and Sarah that he and his wife had lost their first child. He took EJ and promised to take good care of her. She will be cremated and returned to her mom and dad.

I only was able to be with her for 13 hours, but it was a loving, happy, caring, blessed time. Who knew you could miss someone so much after only knowing them such a short time.

Thank you for letting me tell Elliott Joy’s story. My granddaughter.

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I woke up just now. I don’t have to go to work today, but I woke up and realized that President Pussygrabber is real.

So, I couldn’t go back to sleep.

Pot isn’t legal in this state and it’s 615 am. I can’t start drinking.

I decided I am going to wear a black armband. From now on. So……anyone have any suggestions on how to make a black arm band??? I’m serious.

Cut up yoga pants? That’s all I can think of.

I totally appreciate everyone who is trying to “get on with it”. I just can’t do it. This is one time in my life that there is no “getting on with it”. No “accept it and move on”.

This will do eternal damage to this country, this fucking planet, and to me, my friends and family.  Nope. Can’t move on. I have to think of a way to show this, forever. Black arm band?


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