The Cats (and other stuff) of Summer…

Our cats are having a wonderful summer. Gree and Eli have been sleeping on the back deck every day and night. They don’t come inside and they don’t wander out of the (ten acre) yard.

Well, pooh. The picture of Gree has disappeared and there is blood by Eli’s feet. It’s obviously some poor critter that got eaten by the Hunters. I checked Stringbean for wounds….(he was the hunter-culprit) and there were none.

Moar cats….

Luna, Stringbean and Teagan were all captured in the same picture. It was after a rainstorm. String came running home soaking wet during the thunderstorm and was still here for the photos.

My koi pond also has two/three resident frogs. I got a good pic of two of the froggie dewds yesterday….

Darwin finds the summer heat exhausting and a bit boring! 🙂

If you have made it this far….I finally have a day OFF tomorrow!….a few days actually!

Tomorrow I am going to the Ann Arbor Art Fair tomorrow. It’s been years since I’ve been there and it will be fantastic! But….and it’s a big butt….;)  …’s going to be 100 degrees F. Gulp! Ok….my friend and I will drink lots of water. Then on Thursday/Friday my new flooring gets put in! I can’t wait for that! No more crappy carpet. Hairballs galore…but I can sweep those up for hours!

Thursday night some friends and I are going to the parking lot party that precedes the Jimmy Buffet….yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose….um…we are going to the pre-party for the Jimmy B. concert in the parking lots….holy crap…..acres and acres of people who have been partying since noon… two friends and I will invade in the early evening….we’ll see what happens! No concert for me..the parking lot party is the thing!

Ok…I better go to bed. Nighty night!

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18 Responses to The Cats (and other stuff) of Summer…

  1. Jaypo says:

    Lol @ the froggie dewds!! They look like they’re gossping. “Did you see the black one this afternoon? He doesn’ know what being wet is…”
    Stringbeany is so stringy!

    I love yoir little menagerie! Happy kids.

  2. kimkiminy says:

    Wow, great photo of the frogs! New flooring… I’m jealous. 🙂

  3. Zoe says:

    Such pretty pretty kitties! And the frog photos are so cool, I wish we had a frog pond!

  4. I’m with Darwin, the heat is a bore and one should just nap through it! But that koi pond looks so appealing. I had one friend who used to sit in hers when it got hot; I asked her if the fish weren’t upset by her jumping into their home, and she said no, they’d actually swim up to her and nibble on her toes.

    But you’re going to a pre-concert party and not the concert? In this heat? I hope they’ll have lots of cold things to eat and drink!

    • Lauri says:

      Lol! My pond isn’t quite big enough for me to sit in. I really thing the poor fish would be really stressed out if my big ass descended upon them! Snort!

  5. Aussie Emjay says:

    Love the frog pond. LOL @ Darwin – yep that’s how the heat makes me feel too but sadly I still have to leave the house Monday to Friday. Enjoy those few days off Lauri.

  6. madtante says:

    Love that frog piccie! I can NEVER get shots of our bullfrogs or even tree frogs cos living out as we do, it’s wilderness and they’re adept at using it!

  7. crankypants says:

    Great frog pic! and of course the kitties. Have fun at the art fair and tailgate Buffett buffet!

  8. Such fun pics! 😀 Yay for days off and getting to do fun things! Don’t forget the sunscreen

  9. doranyc says:

    That last pic’s dying for an LOL caption. LOVE the froggies!

  10. Laurie says:

    Yay, a Lauri post full of cats for us cat people! Have fun on your day off. Eat lots of ice cream to keep cool, too.

  11. Inga says:

    If you dare to post anything more about hot summer days, I’m buying a plane ticket and moving in.

    Until the first snow, that is. 🙂

  12. madtante says:

    Our Missouri Botanical Gardens have a structure called the Climatron (built when that sounded space-age). It’s an artificial rainforest.

    People here pay money to get in as respite from our native heat and humidity in summer. I’m not joking.

  13. Awesome pictures, the catters are so pretty! And of course I love the froggies 😀

  14. Redscylla says:

    YAY! for days off and no more cruddy carpet. They make such awesome microfiber dust mops now that hairballs/dust bunnies cannot win!

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