Michigan State is winning!

Well, I somehow posted this on the wrong blog. One that I accidentally started. Lol. Now I am trying to move it to the right blog. Oh, intranets.

My Blog

They won the Big Ten championship by blowing UofM out of the water. Wheee! And they are beating Delaware handily in the first game of the tourney. I love a game where I can sit back and relax….not nail-biters.

I found some pics that I took 8 days ago in our last snowstorm. We got nine inches that day and the birds were definitely asking where their seed went.


I made pasties tonight and totally cheated. I used already rolled out pie crusts and dried minced onions and frozen hashbrowns for the potatoes. They turned out to be  delicious!


Luna from her perch on the hutch. Safe from marauding puppies.


Dogs and Eli hogging the couch.



Dogs waiting for supper tonight!

That’s all, folks!

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26 Responses to Michigan State is winning!

  1. crankypants says:

    dogs in the kitchen always make me laugh!
    Hey I just came home a little while ago, speaking of birds and this thing rustled out of the dead leaves and shrubs in front of the porch and I was like what the HELL kind of bird is that?! the coloring at first looked like a mourning dove which are abundant around here but then I saw this crazy long beak and eyes way up on its head and this guy walking a giant rottweiler said, oh that’s a woodcock, I haven’t seen one of them in a while, and I go, I thought it was a kiwi! ha! So the thing flew onto my neighbor’s porch and then when I got my camera it went into his backyard. But that was neat! and when I looked it up, turns out Mr. (or Ms) Woodcock is a harbinger of spring! ON THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING OMG IT’S A MIRACLE! hahah
    That’s a nice lil assortment of birdies in the snow you got there.

    • Lauri says:

      Oh that is SO awesome! The only times I have seen a woodcock were at night when I’m driving down our dirt road. Twice I have seen them take off out of the road. I don’t know if they are getting grit from the gravel or what.
      I get such a thrill seeing any birds. And spring!!! It can’t get warmer soon enough for me! But, the birds are singing…our front yard was full of robins this morning and our tree had an entire flock of cedar waxwings. Love it!

      • crankypants says:

        i was putting out some old seed and stale nuts and stuff a few weeks ago on my deck rail and back yard. The squirrels are so funny pigging it up but it was funny how different birds came on different days. Mostly it’s the house sparrows, doves, and then the juncos and one day it was almost all grackles and cowbirds. Oh and the occasional cardinal too. I just love watching the critters. The squirrels really crack me up. I’m going to have to see what I can put up in my backyard as far as birdfeeders go. My sister gave me one of those finch feeding sock things after I first moved in 10 years ago, and I had bought a bad of seed to refill it but the nylon loop hanger kept coming undone, plus the thing was all pecked out. Now that I have no dog I should get some sort of feeder or maybe 2. My sister learned all the birds years ago, it’s amazing how many interesting ones there are that you don’t realize live in your area. But yeah, the robins have finally showed up, a much welcome sign, plus they are my favorites.

        • Lauri says:

          I have had deer grab those bags of thistle seed and just chomp chomp chomp on them until the seed is all gone and the bag is all smooshed and soggy. I have a wire thistle feeder that I need to put up. Every time I think I have seen all that I can see a new bird shows up. Last year it was a fox sparrow. I wonder if I’ll see anything new this year!

          • crankypants says:

            Sparrows all look so similar, I don’t know if I’d even recognize the fox sparrow (I just looked it up). I put some seed on my rail and first to arrive was a male house sparrow as usual, chirping away to tell his friends I guess. Then there was a junco and the CUTEST female cardinal. She was so small and round and I love those orangey beaks. Then the squirrels came. Of course last night after I posted here I had to go amazon shopping for bird feeders, squirrel feeders and bat houses. Good lord. I didn’t buy anything yet though.
            My back yard is too small for deer, thank goodness, my sister gets them in hers and they eat her geraniums among other things. But once her dog ate a deer so…(not sure what the story was, she let him out and he came back all gory and I think a small deer had died in their yard and skipper found it like YUMMMMMMMMMYYYY)

            • Lauri says:

              Ugh. Our dogs killed a fawn that got born in the backyard and couldn’t get over the fence. I felt so terrible. Luckily that has never happened since.
              This year the dogs killed two possums in the yard and I don’t feel too bad about that since the possums kill the chickens.
              It’s always fun to have the dogs arrive at the sliding door with a possum skull in their mouth.

    • Drude says:

      Wow! woodcocks are really hard to get to see (at least here they are o.O)!
      That’s über cool!

      • crankypants says:

        It really was cool! I live in a pretty dense old suburban neighborhood with small yards and a school across the street. I don’t expect to see much of anything unusual. I checked in with my sister the bird nerd and she had only seen them at the New Jersey shore. I just looked up European woodcock and they look the same as ours pretty much.

  2. Lily says:

    I miss pasties! They look like they SMELLED great, too!

  3. Laurie says:

    I think the dogs wanted your pasties for their dinner. I know I did.
    Our sign of spring today in Toronto? A snow flurry! Nature’s still having it’s big joke on us!

    • Lauri says:

      It’s still cold and some of the snow is melting, but there is still an awful lot of it around. It’s still hard to imagine it being spring.

  4. I love how the critters take up the couch. There’s not much cozier than a pile of sleeping dogs on a winter—whoops, spring!—day.

    Hope you guys get a break and the tulips finally show up in your garden. It seems ridiculous that you’re getting all the snow, when down here we’re dying for anything moist, rain or snow!

  5. msmouse7 says:

    Shows you what a dork I am; I originally posted my comment on your other blog. And I noticed the different URL, but chalked it up to me just being confused – again.

    Yum, your pasties look good! And when you saying “hogging the couch,” there is no question about it. Orion just by himself takes up over half.

    Hope your winter is done. We had just a bit of snow tonight, but it will be gone tomorrow.

    • Lauri says:

      Lol! Well if you are a dork for commenting there, think how I feel doing the whole post there. I was pretty confused.

      The temps will not go up! I think the polar vortex is still sitting on us.

  6. Drude says:

    We have had the mildest winter I can remember this year… hardly any real frost…
    Daffodils are up and out and birds are nesting, and you guys are still knee deep in snow!
    It’s just ridiculous! I love all the birds on your feeder.

  7. supposed to be near 80 here today, and Smokey is wanting to know when I’m going to open the windows.

  8. stevebetz says:

    I knew my beloved alma mater, The Fighting Blue Hens of the University of Delaware, got a tough draw with Sparty.

    If only they’d gotten Ohio State instead!!

  9. Aussie Emjay says:

    I don’t think there’s any such thing as “cheating” when it comes to cooking….
    The poor little birdies at the food tray – love the red topped one.

  10. aubrey says:

    Those pasties look gorgeous. Send one to me NOW. (although having worked at the Adult Video News Awards, I’ve also seen the ones that you wear. In that case, pass.)

    LOVE the birds! Wish we had such colorful ones out here. Don’t see many nests, though I’ve been hearing a mourning dove each morning, so I know they’re setting up house nearby. And the arguing sparrows I’ve also been hearing – hilarious!

    • Lauri says:

      Lol. The only pasties I have ever seen are these kind. I’ll allow others to enjoy the nipple ones! Lol.
      I do love watching birds, too. I am so lucky to have dozens of species in my backyard alone! The sparrows at sunrise and sunset are hilarious. All snuggled into the tree branches chirp chirp chirping about who knows what. I always imagine them having “morning meetings” where they all discuss how to “be safe out there” and at night they sum up their activities for the day!

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