Voxpeeps!!! Look at what I found!

I was rummaging around the internet and found the pics that YGRS drew on my picture of Rocky goat! So much fun. A ton of us are there with our furkids.

Thanks so much, YGRS!

YGRS first picYGRS pic of my backyard!

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51 Responses to Voxpeeps!!! Look at what I found!

  1. Was this made recently, or is this part of Vox history? [snif]

    I like that everyone is in yurts. And they’re surrounded by animals and music.

    • Lauri says:

      This was back in the day before I knew you, HG. We had SUCH a good time on Vox. We all wanted to live in yurts. At this point we decided my backyard was a good place. Lol. First Jaypo and YGRS and their furkids moved in. At the end pretty much my whole friend list and their pets were squeezed in there.
      Sigh. I miss a lot of those people. Some are still around, though.

  2. Lauri says:

    There’s Redzilla, and Drude’s cat, Kitty’s, paws. And Little Miao’s white squirrel Unicorn. And donuts. And music. And pyrit. She’s not around anymore, but she is on Cute Overload so that’s something. Cranky and Elvy. Sniff. Phooey on everything good must come to an end.

    • I wish Six Apart had sold Vox to another company instead of just shutting it down. They’ve put TypePad up for sale (boy I’m glad I didn’t move my blog over there) and shut down the San Francisco office, which I used to drive by after picking up my younger daughter from her job downtown. It’s sad. And I don’t agree with that ‘everything good must come to an end’ crap either. That’s just an excuse for ‘we don’t know what we’re doing anymore so we’re going to let the product go to hell while we look for someone to buy us out.’ Phooey on them.

      I didn’t know pyrit or Kitty or ygrs back then, though I remember seeing their comments on other people’s blogs. It’s too bad. A lot of people have dropped out of WordPress too.

      • Jaypo says:

        I just saw yr Typepad reference, hg. Yeah, glad we didn’t get suckered into that.

        It’s been so dead around here lately, way too serious.

  3. Jaypo says:

    This makes me so nostalgic!! Waaahhh!!! Little M’s long hair and Unicorn and Wembley up there with Buzzy! Lookit Elvy’s tongue hanging out!! Why did Vox have to go away, it was so much fun. I remember trying to go ONE DAY without being there, and it was hard. Didn’t Vox own Typepad, the platform was very similar.

    You know, Teho never even sent a thank you for the Bday card we sent him his first year in the Army. I guess he needed the change…

    We’ve been blog buddies for 7 years. Seven.years. Holy cow. Vox is where the chaoses started and being too sleppy to type. So much funz…

    • e2thec says:

      Six Apart owned both Vox and Typepad…

      and yeah – I miss Vox so very much!!! It was lots of fun and it’s really a shame that the kind of “social blogging” pioneered there hasn’t caught on. I always felt like it was social networking for grownups – the opposite of FB and similar sites.

    • Lauri says:

      So much fun and so many good people. 😦
      And yes, I haven’t even been blogging much around here. It has been oh so quiet. Sigh.

  4. lauowolf says:

    Yes, haven’t found a good interwebs home.
    I haven’t been a good poster lately.
    There’s stuff going on that is eating all my life, but I can’t write about it yet.
    Sadly is annoying stuff.
    Wanna go live in my solar yurt, and post on my vox.
    (Stat counter is still rubbing it in – no one has visited y vox this week.)

  5. Laurie says:

    I’m in that pic somewhere! I like that someone is hugging the goat (though I can’t remember who).

  6. Hahahaha! Yay! I see me wif my (formerly) long hairz. I remember the different versions that were posted. Oh, that was so fun 🙂

  7. Lurkertype says:

    I can’t remember who everyone is represented by. RedZ and the critters I can tell, but most of the rest I don’t recall.

    • Lauri says:

      I know, Lurkie. I should have made a “key” at the time so we would know who everybody was. Lots of cats in the crowded house in the upper left corner. And a donut. And was the mushroom about?

  8. SingingTuna says:

    It was a time of great delights. :: sigh::
    Thank you for sharing those, Lauri.

    Most of us are still around, reachable, at least. It’s just that the life’s giant carp-storms keep crashing into us and slamming us off-course, away from each other. Well, sometimes it’s the tiny stuff, too, the everyday things that nibble on our toes, distract us, and make it difficult to be present. Little piranhas.

    Hi to all!! And ((((happyhugs))))

    ::passes out beeeg bags’o’Reeses to all the peeps::

  9. marsboo says:

    awe he was such a cutie patootie!! neat pictures L

  10. marsboo says:

    I also would love to live in yrts..your backyard is awesome, add a bunch of wild and crazy…sounds about right !!lol

  11. marsboo says:

    oops ygrs….my eyes, my eyes!!

  12. Awwwww, I miss those days too! I can’t remember if I’m in the picture or not – would have to be one of the blondes, and feline fc (wah!) should be around as well if that is the case. Can anyone see us?

  13. Lily says:

    I remember! How great to find that.

  14. Redscylla says:

    This is simultaneous 😦 and 🙂

    I miss Vox, but it’s my own fault for not doing better at keeping up with my voxpeeps!

  15. Drude says:

    Awwww!! the VOXtalgia! YGRS doesn’t have innerwebs at the moment.. She’s moving again.. I’m sure she remembers perfectly who everypeep is.
    Half the furkids in that picture are gone now – makes it even more sad.
    My little Kitty’s paws are reaching out from under the door in the front right.

    • Lauri says:

      I love that Kitty’s paws are there, Drude.
      I have heard from YGRS on FB once in awhile. She’ll probably be back before too long!

  16. lauowolf says:

    Someone on FB send me YGRS’s FB,plz?
    All scattered.
    I feel like Evangeline.

  17. aubrey says:

    This makes me all weep-y. About our Vox-less-ness, sure. Also about the numerous threats I had to make in order to be added to this yurt-group! I believe I’m there, but I’m probably inside one of the yurts, sulking.

    I remember, not so long ago, doing a search for Vox – just to see if it had risen, Phoenix-like from its blogging ashes. No such luck.


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