Alice goes for a walk

Orion loves his stuffed alpaca, Alice. I usually make him leave her upstairs in the bedroom so she doesn’t get lost or chewed up by the other dogs. On this day Orion wanted to take Alice on our walk around the yard. So, he did.


He even holds onto Alice while he is piddling.




Alice made it all the way around the yard and back inside safely!

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24 Responses to Alice goes for a walk

  1. M-----l says:

    This post just scared the fluffing out of a couchful of Babos.

  2. Aussie Emjay says:

    They’re changing guard at Lauri’s palace
    Orion went out in the yard with Alice……
    (apologies to Alan Alexander Milne).
    I love the piddling shot.

  3. marsboo says:

    awe, how sweet…really shows his nature doesn’t it. btw Alice was my Mom’s name,I appreciate him taking good care of her 🙂

  4. leendadll says:

    What a cutie pie.
    And wp is being totally bizarre right now. It’s showing me this post twice.. one with a valid login box, another with login fields but no way to actually log in and no Post Comment button.

  5. stevebetz says:

    It’s funny — Penny will have some toys that barely last a day or two — and then there will be a couple that she LOVES that get played with, but never destroyed.

  6. GOF says:

    Has Alice expressed a point of view yet on these excursions around the backyard?

  7. msmouse7 says:

    Well I certainly hope he holds Alice while piddling; otherwise she might drown!

    • Lauri says:

      Haha, true! At one point I could have sworn he was going to hand her to me and say “Here, hold this for me.” and then he realized he can’t talk!

  8. trishc1812 says:

    I bought Darcy a new toy last week. She has decided she LOVES it. In the mornings she remembers where she left it the night before and makes a bee-line for it as soon as she comes back inside. So, right now she has two ‘favorites’ a stuffed with a squeaky that she can’t make squeak Mr. Bill toy (from Saturday Night Live back in the 70’s) and the new rope toy.

    I love your Orion updates. I think he is a beautiful puppy.

  9. LG says:

    That is so cute!!

  10. Redscylla says:

    What a sweet boy! There are no stuffy toys in our house that don’t end up dying a terrible gnawed death.

  11. Jaypo says:

    That’s hysterical! He’s the biggest babydog, totally adorable! I got up at night to pee last week and found Mishoo’s teddy bear on the floor in the hallway. It was in bed next to me when I woke up three hours later. What nutty buddy.

  12. mizunogirl says:

    So cute! I love the photos. Teulu does a similar thing with stuffed toys. he tends to love them for a few weeks and then all of a sudden realize there is stuffing in them, and then he eviscerates them….

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